在涂满了油彩的面容之下 我有的是颗戏子的心
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The average person is said to apologize 12 times a day. Often, it’s to atone for a past wrong, an attempt to heal an old wound. But there are some wounds that can never be healed. They run too deep. abe: Appreciate the present, focus on cheerier things. henry: Sometimes, the people we love are the ones who anger us the most. henry’s father: There are two things we are charged with in this life, living with our mistakes and endeavoring to learn from them, to be better men because of them. Atonement can take many forms, a heartfelt apology, a grand gesture, a silent prayer, or something more complex, more gray, more difficult to decipher. And while it’s true that no amount of atonement can ever change the past, it does have the power to heal us, to restore relationships and connections we thought were lost forever.
Dr. Morgan
We all have secrets. There is nothing wrong with that, but we all need a confidante, a friend to share our secretes with. In a way, the shared secret tells us who our real friends are. They are the people we entrust the most.
Dr. Morgan
Sex, drugs, skydiving.It’s strange that the things we do for a thrill, in order to make ourselves feel alive, are the same things that may kill us. The same is true when it comes to human relationships. The people we love the most are the ones capable of hurting us the most deeply. Our body feels pain to warn us of danger. But is also reminds us we’re alive, that we can still feel. That’s why some of us seek it out while others choose to numb it. Solitude has always been my analgesic of choice. But what if feeling nothing is the worst pain of all? What if the sharing of pain connects us to others and remainds us that none of us is alone, as long as we can feel?
Dr. Morgan
Every generation likes to think They’re improving upon the last, that progress is inevitable, That the future holds less misery and suffering than the past. But the truth is, some things never change. History has a way of repeating itself. It’s just most people don’t live long enough to see it happen. But some things do change. Years ago, boxers fought bare-knuckled. In 1855, one bout lasted 6 hours,15 minutes. Back then, the so-called ring was an actual ring,made up of rowdy, bloodthirsty spectators. That’s not to say that fights are fair today. The big guy’s gloves are still loaded a little heavier, but it’s no reason to stop fighting.
Dr. Morgan
It is often when one least expects it that fate arrives at our door. We can’t foresee it any more than we can escape it. No matter how hard we run or hide, fate, like death, will always find us. Fate can be cruel. A minute here, a minute there, and lives can be lost. But fate also gifts us moments of immpossible grace. Moments in time when we come together and connect in a way that is profound, chance occurrences so precious that they almost make one believe in the divine, that there is someone out there looking after us.
Dr. Morgan
What we try to hide about ourselves in life is revealed in death…our fears, our insecuritires, but most of all, our secrets. The best impostors have many gifts. They can change their voice, their look, their manner. But there’s a rule every impostor learns. The one truth we cannot hide is love.
Dr. Morgan
Every crime, like every person, has its secrets. Some are never revealed, while others are hidden in plain sight. We can train our bodies to forget. But not our minds. And one thing living forever teaches you is that your past, your secrets, mark you always, like it or not. There are things for all of us that even all the time in the world wouldn’t be able to erase.
Dr. Morgan
For the dead, all is forgotten. But all is not lost, because they’re remembered by us. Some we think of fondly, others less so. A few are remembered by many, and some by only a few.
Dr. Morgan
There is risk anytime we venture into the unknown, whenever we are compelled, for whatever reason to push away the safety of the familiar of family and home. And there is the notion that this impulse is, indeed, for the best, that whatever doesn’t kill us makes us stronger. Unless, of course, it does. Committing fully to the protection of another can often engender a kind of paradox. In doing so, we are tempted to put ourselves at risk the very thing most likely to cause pain in those whom we are trying so desperately to keep pain from. Over time, however, one learns that the choices of those we love are impossible to control.
Dr. Morgan
No matter how we live or die, we all end the same, in silence. All of our hopes and dreams in life become mere echoes of a tale cur short. But if we’re lucky enough, our stories live on. Our song finds voice in the hearts of those who remember us and loved us. It has been said that a man is not dead while his name is still spoken, that we are only truly gone when we’ve disappeared from the memories of those who loved us, meaning a great artist never dies. As long as his books are read, his paintings admired, as long as our songs are sung, we may each of us live forever. As for me, maybe it’s time to learn a new song. Fortunately, I have an excellent teacher.
Dr. Morgan
Murder is never an easy thing to look at. When you examine the body of a victim,you don’t see a reflection of their life, but the person who took it. You see whether the killer felt anger or betrayal, or worse… if they felt nothing at all. We may never understand those who kill so easily for spectacle. But perhaps that’s why we’re so fascinated with them. We read about their exploits out of curiosity. Our fascination with the macabre makes it all seem unreal.But the truth is that everyone has the capacity to kill. The real question is, how do you live with yourself afterward?
Dr. Morgan
As sad and dreadful as death may be, it forces us to cherish every moment because the truth is… life is precious because it’s finite. When you are immortal, you have to be reminded of beauty. Days stretch into years, stretch into centuries. Time can lose its meaning. So however long you live, even though that might prove a very, very long time… you must tell yourself to live every day…every hour, as if it could be your last.
Dr. Morgan